lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

A breakup guide

Good, photos and edition are well done, clothes and locations are good, but i had the same problem, i can´t hear the dialogues or sound, they speak very low, but it´s good ;).

Three men in love

It´s really hilarious, funny and good, it has a special comedy topic, but the sound and subtitles had been a good idea, because the dialogues isn´t loud and i can´t hear it. It´s really good

Don´t mess with nerds

I really like, i´m thinking that this one is the best video in vidiomas awards 2013, photos and effects are really good, it has just one mistake, that is the clothes, but i really like it.

jueves, 17 de octubre de 2013

Pros and cons of Traveling the world in your 20s

Traveling the world in your 20s
 I thought that traveling is great and  it´s funnier to travel when  you´re grown , but as all good it has something good and bad.
The plusses of my topic are:
First, you decide what to do and where to go, because nobody is taking care, you are taking care of your own.
Second, tourist places are the best, but also some people have a better idea, they are known as "mochilero", that kind of people meet other people and make new friendships with natives.
Then there´s, people who travel and they visited abroad, obviously cities and famous places are visited by those people.
Finally, I hope some day, I will take that oportunitie.
And cons are:
The minuses of my topic are:
Above all, money are, basically, the most important and as always you will need so much money.
But there is also, you need time, but in this troubled life, no all the people have it.
Then again, security, it´s not safe to travel alone, however it is a lower risk.
In conclusion, it is good to travel and it is awesome, anyway travel is dangerous if you don´t know where to go.

martes, 15 de octubre de 2013


"The old law about 'an eye for an eye' leaves everybody blind"
          -Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King Jr. was a person who defend the human rights and the afroamerican people in America. The quote was said in a speech called "I have a dream".

It's a phrase used to discourage the act of getting revenge. It's saying that if someone does something bad to you, such as pokes your eye, and you poke.

In today days people take revenge about actions that are maden by others, at the end bought people ends with some damage and it is dangerous for society.