miércoles, 19 de febrero de 2014

Abortion: HW3

Talking about abortion can be a tabu by society but it´s a main topic to discuss, nowadays pregnance had increased in  teenagers, more teen moms, actually abortion is banned in Mexico except  in Mexico city, however in my opinion Mexico city must banned abortion again, I´m not catholic at all so my posture is neutral, surely abortion will be legal in Mexico, not only in Mexico, maybe in the entire world, catholics would be angry if this happends.

viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

My story

Jhon Mack was a succesful business man with all the calculated risk, he started his sucees career as a janitor, by the time, he got confidence from everybody, especially of his boss, through brownie points he was hired up by the boss, everybody knew that the man who was  getting in the office, he is not a lost cause, isn´t he?
Hopes was a tall order for him, with all vested interest set on wall street, he felt as a fish on water, obviously co-workers had the equal level playing field, so priority was to stand out between his co-workers, he had a few teething pains to reach his goals, but he did it, and now look at him, he is a millonaire. :)